Sunday, November 10, 2013

Introduction to DSLR photography - part 3

In my last article we learn about basic part of the SLR camera.Now we will talk about the purpose of those part.Will start with entry level  DSLR camera.

1.Lens Alignment. This red color dot allow you to fix the lens which is  you are using easily.Every lens has same red dot so you can align the lens and fix it  

4. Lens Contact. This contact allow to  communicate with any compatible lens you use.It will pass the command to select correct settings of the lens.

5. Mirror. This will allow to see the object you are capture, through the viewfinder.Mostly it will show you almost full image you capture.

6. Shutter Release Button. No need to introduce  about this button, But this button doing more things than only take picture.In DSLR when you half press this button camera will start the auto focus and exposure calculations.Then you can fully press the button and take a picture.

7. AF beam assistant lamp. Most modern Digital SLR 's have this part now and it help to focus the subject in low light condition . And also if you use self timer it will act as a indicator.

Those are the function and purpose of the basic part of camera. 

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Introduction to DSLR photography - part 2

With may last Aritcle I explained bit of history of cameras.Before start learning digital photography we will learn about the  main part of the camera.Now a days very difficult to find a  film camera most of photographers( almost 99.99%) use digital slr cameras. Very rarely we can find some people their still using film camera.By the way we will see now the main part of the camera.First we will identify the main part of the film slr camera and what kind of things can we  do with this main part.

Image source 

1.  Film winder.  
2.  Shutter Release.
3.  Shutter Speed Dial.*
2.  Flash Hot Shoe.
5.  Film Rewind Crank.
6.  Film Speed Dial.
7.  Flash Synch Socket.
8.  Aperture Ring.
9.  Focusing Ring.
10. Lens.
11. Filter Thread.
12. Self Timer.
13. Depth of Field Preview.

Those are the main part of film camera and most of this part removed and add handy button on digital slr camera.But the purpose of these part are similar Because the basic thing in photography is capture the image of some object to film or sensor and make soft or hard copy of that object.Let see  the main part of digital slr camera

image source 

These are the basic part of camera and we will learn what we can  do with this parts on next lessson

Some related link on you tube

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Introduction to DSLR photography - part 1

Definitions of DSLR is " Digital Single Lens Reflex".Before 

start to learn DSLR  will see what is SLR and how it work.Single lens reflex, it mean single lens.Why single lens,rather than single lens is there any other method or multiply lens camera available...?Those are the common questions if you are  beginner for photography .Well lets turn to photography history for while.

The first camera of the world is called Camera Obscura , and its used by ancient Chinese and  Greeks and it is a simple box and use pinhole or lens to project image to white surface and then draw the projected  image manually by using white paper . Read more about history of camera here

After many inventions box camera came to the market as a commercial product.Kodak is the most popular brand among this box camera. After that Photography industry grow fast and many company produced camera and most of them tried to develop the system and mechanism of cameras. As a result of this around 1870 first TLR camera came to the market The definitions of TLR is Twin Lens Reflex. As meaning of twin this camera used two lens.(Read more about TLR) Mostly this camera used by professional and indoor studios.And this camera also known as Mid format camera.This camera used 120 mm size film to capture the image.Evan this tlr camera giving good result it is little bit big and heavy. So mostly this camera used for indoor studio.

This type of camera use two lenses . One lens use to project the image to ground glass so we can see the target image through the view finder and  can focus .The second lens directly project the image to film roll.Both lenses moving same time by using some mechanism

This is the basic of tlr camera.This camera use two lenses therefore it take more spaces and size of the camera is big .Later on camera developer use another mechanism and they made SLR - single lens reflex camera.(read more here). This camera use single lens to capture image and view the image same time.Its use mirror and prism to reflect the image to view finder

SLR camera is the most popular camera and later digital slr camera came to the market.This is bit of history of camera  and next will learn step by step about Digital Photography.

Some of related site.

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